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Our Mission

The American Bee Foundation is a registered non-profit organization founded to promote the health and repopulation of critical pollinators.

Meet The Team

Our Vision

Do good, bee good.


Cameron Balma

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Founder / Director

American Bee Foundation


Majid Karimi

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Vice President

American Bee Foundation

E. R.

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American Bee Foundation


Maverick Balma

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Project Coordinator

American Bee Foundation

Researchers studying CCD and other losses attributed to poor colony health have been unable to identify a single cause, and have concluded that losses of honey bee colonies are the result of a complex set of interacting stressors.


Wherever flowering plants flourish, pollinating bees, birds, butterflies, bats, and other animals are hard at work, providing vital but often unnoticed services. Some three-fourths of all native plants in the world require pollination by an animal, most often an insect, and most often a native bee. Pollinators, most often honey bees, are also responsible for one in every three bites of food we take, and increase our nation’s crop values each year by more than 15 billion dollars. Unabated, these losses of our pollinators threaten agricultural production, the maintenance of natural plant communities, and the important services provided by those ecosystems, such as carbon cycling, flood and erosion control, and recreation.


We decided to do something and we need your help.

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